Scroll down a bit in this window and you can also see what other apps and programs have been updated recently:

Program Updater Windows 10 2019

That’s it. The Microsoft Store app will do all the heavy lifting here, all you need to do is let it work and keep your system online and powered up.

Program Data Updater Windows 10

Before we go, a quick check of your system updates too. In the Cortana search box, type in updates and then click on the resultant match:

“Check for updates” will check with Microsoft and see what updates you have to download and what you might have pending. Surprisingly, I have a couple:

Let them finish too and once everything’s downloaded, restart your computer. Done! Caught up!

Pro Tip: While you’re here, please don’t miss our super extensive Windows help area, with tons of articles on everything Windows related, from the most basic to complex debugging and configuration issues. Thanks!

Let’s Stay In Touch!

I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!